Okay check it- Theory of Flight is an upcoming band based out of Las Vegas and their music is definately something worth listening too. We would just like to go on the record for saying YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST!
As native locals it is our duty, we feel, to report to the world the hot sizzlin' creations out of the city thus, Theory of Flight makes that list fo sho!
When my fellow Monster Energy gal Elissa told me that her husband (Tyler Williams) was in a band and they were awesome...I had no idea. Juli here- and I have been to show after show here in Vegas (I am a connoisseur of 2 things music and pizza) and this band is among my favs; Theory of Flight is a force to be reckoned with.
C o n f e s s i o n: I have been playing 'Spinning', #6 on the album, on repeat for approximately an hour now...I simply can't get enough.
I can't even compare them to other bands either....simply because they have their very own sound and to try and compare them to another band just wouldn't work....they are original....you just have to hear them. It'd be like trying to tell someone what a kiwi tastes like if they've never had one. Their music paints a picture and takes you on a trip through your imagination; anyone with emotions will be able to relate.
The lead singer Beau Hodges' voice meshes well with the tunes the band creates, they defiantly have great chemistry, that much is clear
Their passion is evident in the words and the music. I heart violins p.s.
This album 'Within Reach' is a beautifully crafted work of art. It's dripping with talent and depth.
These guys are legit check 'em out, you won't be sorry.
These sassy socialites say 3 out of 3 FAB points for Theory of Flight's Album 'Within Reach'