Thursday, July 23, 2009

07.22.09 ~ West Side Story (Spring Mtn Ranch): 2 1/2 Fab Point(s)

Juli here, to let you know all about:


as presented by Super Summer Theater '09 and Stage Door Entertainment

Located in Spring Mountain Ranch, which is, for the most part in the middle of nowhere...but a beautiful nowhere, so the drive is worth it.

Blankets, fold out chairs, and of course the essential beer in tow, we made our way to the front of the lawn ending where the lawn meets the stage. Perfect seats.

Upon situation of myself and my alcoholic beverages of choice, I am notified by my dear friend Leon Ritchie, that this particular show has received sub par reviews and has been call all sorts of things, none of which, good....

Great, I think to myself, I'm in for a real treat I'm contemplating whether or not I just threw $15 down the drain the orchestra begins...

As the show begins I notice....awkward silences that go on the duration of the show....that however was the only down fall I could find in this delightful show.



I found the cast enchanting, aside from "Lieutenant Schrank" played by Michael Emerson, who I found to be terribly dull and full of the most awkward silences of them was like he was trying to remember his lines the whole time. idk what that was all about but I did not enjoy his performance for that reason alone.

"Maria", however, played by Janay Bombino has the voice of an angel. I haven't actually heard any angels sing per say...but if I was to I am willing to bet they would sound exactly like her.


The choreography was fun and well rehearsed. Thumbs up to Evan Litt for that.


Overall I give the show 2 1/2 out of 3 Fab Points! Hats off to you all!

Check out the Super Summer Theater's web site for more information on their upcoming shows. Great idea for a date, or a family outing, or just to go with a couple of friends...don't forget to bring a blanket and perhaps some wine!