3342 S. Sandhill Rd. ste #10
Las Vegas, NV 89121
(702) 434-1392
I know its exciting.
VEGAS SKIN ART is an awesome spot with a hard working down to earth crew! A gem on the East Side of Vegas.
LLE and myself got some ink there towards the beginning of the summer BUT I have gone back to get my lip pierced annnnnnd to let ya'll know this place is RAD!
Big Mike, the Shop owner, makes ya feel at home in VEGAS SKIN ART, a trait lacking in some other places around town.
Their rates are the best I've heard in town too.
Off to get my lip pierced I go, my talented friend Ashley accompanying me.
"Are you nervous" she questions.
"No I'm ready" I reply.
"Hello!" We are greeted upon entering.
I love this place.

EEEkkk its time! Let's do this!


If you are looking for a CLEAN HOSPITABLE Tattoo and Piercing spot with EXCELLENT RATES we suggest VEGAS SKIN ART!
Tell 'em Juli and Lauralie the Sin City Socialites sent ya!