LLE and I were cordially invited to the Sin City Comedy Show inside the V Theater at Planet Hollywood. As we made our way...running...in heels...as usual we approached the exciting entrance to the V Theater, which is located in the Miracle Mile Shops across from Blondie's.
"I wanna laugh my ass off" I proclaim with excitement.
"We better!" LLE responds.
We claim our tickets at the counter and are guided to a door way...
"right through here ladies, and enjoy the show" the usher prompted.
With huge smiles on our faces' we cross the threshold only to come face to face with the enemy...
I could literally hear the organ playing in my brain.
Ugg NO!
4" heels and flights of stairs do not mix...they are like oil and water in fact. I'm never down for busting my ass.
We learned after the show that the ushers send folks that arrive right at 9pm or any later that way because another show is letting out at that same time...so the elevator is caught up during that 10 minute time frame...our bad...right on time is late!
We take our seats, lights up, music on, voice over chimes in!
The host begins with a set, then the show moves into comedian after comedian, each more funny that the previous!
Intermittent between skits is a super duper hot dancer that made me stare with out blinking...or breathing...
A good laugh we indeed both did get. Raunchy but not trashy. Funny and not over the top.
I suggest taking a date here for sure! Reasonably priced and they talk about sex a lot so maybe you'll get lucky.
After the show the entire cast was outside the doors to say hello, merch was for sale, and pics were being taken!
A special thanks to Pete Housley for inviting us!
A special thanks to the cast...we appreciate your comedy! Go on with you bad selves!
Sin City Comedy Show gets 2 1/2 out of 3 Fab points! Holler!