We were on the radio, bitches.

Thanks for all the love and support thus far. You like what we're servin, so we just keep ahhhh-servin.
We were invited to come chat about Sin City Socialites on the Jeremy Womack XRADIO show; it's a prime spot at 9p-11pm on http://www.xradio.biz/.
Thanks for all the love and support thus far. You like what we're servin, so we just keep ahhhh-servin.
We were invited to come chat about Sin City Socialites on the Jeremy Womack XRADIO show; it's a prime spot at 9p-11pm on http://www.xradio.biz/.
For some odd reason he just let us right on in. Though, I must admit, that when he did come to the door he immediatly made a uturn... he is a wise man!
We're not trouble or anything? wink wink
What the hell could we have to talk about on the
muwahahaaaaaaa...since you asked, mothas...
We discussed where we see SCS going, how we really would like to keep the integrity of improving customer service at the core. At the same time, we're entertainers and plan to
When we got to the
Never leave the Socialites unattended...thats when we get...well curious.
Thus the following ensues...
Thus the following ensues...

Before going on we had the pleasure of meeting Rejj Smooth, whos heckles came from love, after all he is the KING OF HEARTS, at least from 3am to 6am on http://www.xradio.biz/ anyway!
We also met Brittaney Starr, many of you may remember her from Rock of Love. She has her own kick ass radio show previous to Jeremy's. We heart her!

Finally it was SHOWTIME!
We had a blast. The xradio family are FABULOUS annnnnd we heart them all, you will too soooooo start listening TONIGHT! Catch them all on http://www.xradio.biz/ Free, awesome, broadcast locally... FAB FAB FAB!